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Welcome to Stalking Fire!

The creative space for poet, a. adenike phillips (pronounced, AH DAY KNEE KEH) (she/her). "ADE" considers herself a re-emerging poet, as she previously wrote and performed her poetry in Brooklyn (1980's).  Now Ade returns to share her poetic journey and continues to sharpen her craft and stoke her fire.   


Her current work explores the menacing histories of transgenerational and collective trauma through the examination of historical documents, current events and family stories.  She is currently working on a chapbook collection of poetry and a documentary poetics project.




Certainly "fire" has been effectively utilized in religious and secular circles as a rallying call for justice.  The book of Jeremiah says: “his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.” (Jeremiah 20:9 NIV)  This scripture was often quoted and referenced during the civil rights era as the Black church was a home base for organization.    For her, it means the same—she cannot hold in what is burning inside so that others can feel comfortable with inaction.


ADE believes poets, writers & artists have the ability to change thinking by addressing social justice issues.  She says we have the responsibility to speak our truth as Audre Lorde said: “your silence will not protect you.” 


ADE says what is required to start and sustain a fire (the fire triangle) becomes a metaphor for what we need to write:

  • Fuel: (e.g., reading, interior & exterior life, journaling, craft)

  • Air:  to sustain combustion (e.g., time, structure, community, inspiration)

  • Heat: to start and continue combustion (e.g., events, traumas, community)

Explore Past & Recent Projects Here

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(very) occasional blogging

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